People who have left us recently

Isabel Aladro Roldán
Fallecimiento: 01/03/2025
Fulgencia Lorente Oliva
Fallecimiento: 01/03/2025
Abelina Suárez Pérez
Fallecimiento: 01/03/2025
Agustina Salcedo Manosalbas
Fallecimiento: 01/03/2025
Julia Plaza Plaza
Fallecimiento: 01/03/2025
Antonio Alvarez Martínez
Fallecimiento: 01/03/2025
Maria Consolación Robledo Cesteros
Fallecimiento: 01/03/2025
Jose Lopez Ferreiro
Fallecimiento: 01/03/2025
Josefa Gil Hernandez
Fallecimiento: 01/03/2025
Francisco Horacio Gonzalez Fariña
Fallecimiento: 01/03/2025


A modern and elegant design that treats the memory of the loved one in an environment according to its delicate context. All the options you need at a click.

Personal and safe environment

We know that your information is very important. That's why we use the highest security standards. You decide the level of privacy.

Customizable and collaborative

Choose the background image, the data of the deceased, decide whether to put a picture ... Also collaborates with family and friends in collecting moments in the life of the deceased.

Easy to use

An environment where you can put a candle, write a condolence or buy flowers in an easy and intuitive way. Transmit your feeling no matter where you are.


Because saying goodbye is not the same as honoring

You do not always need the same thing in the life. Depending on the moment, your priorities change and your needs too.

Similarly in the farewell to your loved one, we distinguish two completely different moments.

Each one with its focus, its requirements and priorities.

Share and spread your loss

Do not you get the words? Does it cost you a lot of effort emotionally? With and from your mobile, you can share the sad event via SMS, WhatsApp or social networks. So you do not have to say anything.

Information of funeral events

When and where are the funeral acts, access to the map to see how to arrive and / or get to the funeral home, everything perfectly reflected and almost automatically.

Virtual candles and condolences

It is not necessary to attend the wake or go to the funeral to express your grief and affection. Light a virtual candle for her/him soul or write a condolence from your smartphone is at your fingertips.

Memories album

How would you like to remind him/her? At we provide you with a unique space where you can store your most special photos and memories privately and where you decide who you want to share with.

Design and print your album

Materialize your memories makes them unforgettable. We offer you a tool to easily create an album where photos, messages and feelings go beyond the time barrier.

Homage and tribute services

Spread her/him ashes in the middle of the Mediterranean on a sailboat, create an object printed in 3D from its ashes, send some flowers to his grave on the anniversary of his death, psychological help ... everything you can imagine and much more.

To remember and to feel again
Latitud Longitud Dirección Categoria Teléfono
42.44651474495398 -8.68520736694336 Parroquia de Xoan Juan de Poio
Plaza Convento, 2
Iglesia 986770244
42.419492530793775 -8.740788102149963 Parroquia de Santa María de Samieira
Iglesia 986740026
42.43311793412531 -8.669071197509766 Parroquia del Divino Salvador de Poio
Avda. Sineiro, 13
Iglesia 986872724
42.40201394337402 -8.52915644645691 Parroquia de Santa María de Tourón
Iglesia 689546770
42.282361261294184 -8.60828697681427 Parroquia de Santiago
C/ Adro, 15
Iglesia 986401714
42.407052458674336 -8.785119652748108 Parroquia de San Pedro de Bordóns
C/ Outeiro, 22
Iglesia 986740197
42.434911467581955 -8.839949369430542 Parroquia de San Pedro de Vilalonga
Iglesia 986743107
42.41687481548662 -8.764697313308716 Parroquia de San Juan de Dorrón
Barreiro, 1
Iglesia 986740197
42.02145816225256 -8.67720365524292 Parroquia de San Salvador de Sobrada
Iglesia 609199434
42.4264866 -8.651459499999987 Funeraria Albia, Servicios Funerarios Rías Baixas
Avda. Manuel del Palacio, 5
Funeraria 986859214